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Drescher Hungary Direct Mailing Ltd.

We can receive and process virtually any incoming data format . Where we do not receive an AFP file, our own software specialists produce the appropriate print image and OMR encoding. In addition to processing data, displaying invoices or printouts, we also make improvements to most of our clients and offer special IT services, such as producing an authentic electronic copy (with electronic signature and timestamp) , providing storage infrastructure for storing copies in the Drescher Archive system under our own brand. providing an electronic invoice presentation solution (based on the service provider's own website) for our Customers, as well as other IT solutions related to electronic invoicing.

Our technology allows us to produce individual documents in electronic form, in PDF, with content exactly the same as the printed image on paper. These can be handed over to the Customer upon request, or it is possible to produce a certified electronic copy of the documents issued on paper, by providing the electronic form with an enhanced security signature and a qualified time stamp prescribed by law. With the help of our Archive system developed for storing and retrieving PDFs, we can also provide effective support to our Clients in the preservation of electronic copies, by providing the technological and infrastructural elements necessary for preservation. Our strategic partner in the field of electronic signature and archiving is E-Group Zrt.

The basis of our solution supporting electronic invoicing is the production of electronic invoice objects and IT cooperation with presentation service providers . Our customers do not need to introduce and manage new technology to the electronic invoice issuer: in the invoicing process, it is enough to transfer the files to Drescher as before, possibly indicating that the customer has registered for an electronic payment channel.

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